Flipboard is Now Available for Windows 8.1 | Download Flipboard for Windows With Live Tile Support

Flipboard is Now Available for Windows 8.1 | Download Flipboard for Windows With Live Tile Support - techinfoBiT
Image Source: Windows Central

Flipboard, a favourite news/magazine application among users and critics on both the Apple iOS and Android platforms, is finally available for Windows 8.1, “Flipboard is your personalized magazine,” said Microsoft spokesman Brandon LeBlanc in a separate blog post. In addition to stories and updates plucked from Facebook and Twitter, it delivers content from several notable publications.

“By flipping over to ‘Discover’, you can customize your Flipboard with iconic sources like The New York Times, PEOPLE magazine, Fast Company and many more,” he added. The release fills one of the most glaring gaps in the Windows Store, which is a distant third behind Google Play and the Apple App Store.

Microsoft’s newest operating system also offers a split-screen experience it calls Snap View, allowing you to read a Flipboard article with one eye while the other watches a movie Or something like that.

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