Facebook Sued For ‘Stealing’ Timeline Feature

Facebook Sued For ‘Stealing’ Timeline Feature - techinfoBiT-Top Tech News-Blog Bangalore
Image Source: Time Magazine

Facebook has users on a massive level around the globe and its increasing by each passing days in fact now Facebook is the part of life for many users globally for personal professional uses but when you share your information on Facebook you need to keep in mind that your data on Facebook may not be 100% secure.

You need to be careful while sharing your sensitive information on Facebook. Facebook is being targeted by the different individual, community and individual for mishandling their data not only that there is n number of news and reports about hackers claiming to have control of the Facebook data, so it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Facebook has been the favorite of controversy since its inception, as per the recent news, Facebook has reportedly been sued by a Chinese technology firm that claims the social networking giant has stolen its new timeline feature. Facebook recently made it mandatory for people to use Timeline, the new-look profile, which allows people to tell the story of their lives on a single page.

Facebook Sued For ‘Stealing’ Timeline Feature - techinfoBiT-Top Tech News-Blog Bangalore

Cubic Network, a four-year-old Chinese technology company, however, claimed the timeline feature is their own, The Telegraph reports.

The network claimed they launched the same layout in 2008, which shows people’s activity in chronological order.

Xiong Wanli, the founder of Cubic Network, conducted a talk about the timeline feature at Stanford University, which Facebook founder and alumni of the American University, Mark Zuckerberg, is believed to have attended.

Zuckerberg unveiled its ‘Timeline’ in 2011, some three years after Cubic Network showcased the feature.

Via: Hindustan Times


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