The email client Sparrow been acquired by the Google, Sparrow is a popular email client for OS X and iOS. The acquisition was announced by Sparrow’s CEO Dom Leca on their website. According to The Verge, this acquisition cost Google under $25 million.
Now, if you are wondering whether this move will somehow result in a better version of the app then you are in for disappointment. This is more of a talent acquisition, which means Google will be using the talented team behind the excellent Sparrow app to improve their own email client. Sparrow, meanwhile, will be pretty much abandoned, with no new features to be added in future. You can also forget about that iPad app that was supposedly in the works.
This move has naturally met with criticisms from those who purchased and have been using this app for a while now. Although the apps are already pretty awesome and will continue to be sold through the App Store, the fact that there won’t be any further improvements is quite a bummer.
Hopefully, Google makes it all worthwhile by releasing some slick new Gmail application for all devices.