Witness the Chandrayaan-2 Launch, Online Registration will Start Today

Witness the Chandrayaan-2 Launch, Online Registration will Start Today at 6 PM-Space News Update India-techinfoBiT
Image Source: ISRO

The launch of GSLV Mk-III-M1/Chandrayaan-2 was supposed to happen on July 15th 2:30 AM, unfortunately, the Indian Space Agency ISRO had to cancel the launch at the last moment due to some technical glitch. The Indian Space and Research Organisation (ISRO) has fixed the glitch and announced the new launch date and time, which is on 22 July at 2:43 PM IST.

Chandrayaan-2 is the biggest and most ambitious lunar mission so far, this mission will boost the space exploration, research and studies not only for the ISRO or India but for the entire humanity. Chandrayaan-2 will also enhance our understanding of the nearest celestial body and the only natural satellite or moon of our planet.

Launch of the lunar mission Chandrayaan 2 is the 2nd Moon probe mission by the ISRO and by this mission, India will again create a new history by doing what other countries has not done yet. Chandrayaan 2 will explore the Moon’s south polar region which is completely unexplored yet.

Related Content: Why Explore the Lunar South Pole?

The launch of GSLV Mk-III-M1/Chandrayaan-2 will be live-streamed from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) or Sriharikota Range (SHAR), the live stream will be available on ISRO website, Doordarshan, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. If you think watching the Livestream of the Chandrayaan-2 launch is not enough or you want to witness India making history in the lunar exploration then watch it live from Viewing Gallery of the Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota.

Witness the Chandrayaan-2 Launch, Online Registration will Start Today at 6 PM-techinfoBiT
Image Source: ISRO

Viewing Gallery is a stadium with a capacity to accommodate 5,000 people, it has been created on the island of Sriharikota inside Satish Dhawan Space Centre. From the Viewing Gallery citizens of India can witness the launches taking place from the spaceport of India. The online registration for the rescheduled launch of GSLV Mk-III-M1/Chandrayaan-2 will start from today July 19 at 6:00 PM.

How to Get Ticket for the Viewing Gallery of Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota:

  • Only Indians will be allowed to enter and the facility.
  • You should have a government-recognised photo identification document.
  • Now Click Here to go to the Space Theme Park page of Satish Dhawan Space Center.
  • Scroll down and follow the 2nd last link called Online Registration…

Witness the Chandrayaan-2 Launch, Online Registration will Start Today at 6 PM-techinfoBiT-1

  • Enter your details and follow the further process.

Indian Space and Research Organisation (ISRO) has announced on twitter about date and time of the online registration to witness the launch of GSLV Mk-III-M1/Chandrayaan-2 which is scheduled to be launched on 22 July at 2:43 PM.


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