OnePlus changed the definition of OS update for me. I was very happy and satisfied with my OnePlus 2 but since they released so-called major/important update OxygenOS 2.1.0, my phone got completely screwed. I have updated my device on the day OnePlus released OxygenOS 2.1.0 which was four days back.
I was hoping too many improvements in my device but the result has been totally reversed. First thing if you haven’t updated your device yet please avoid this update and one more thing what I have learned after screwing up by updating my device is don’t just run for update try reading user reviews before installing any updates.
I’m having these following issues with my device now:-
1. Slow System Performance:- After installing this update my OnePlus 2 is functioning noticeably slower than earlier which we can’t expect from devices which is well known for its stunning 4GB DDR4 ram.
2. Apps in Recent Apps Splitting:- For me this is not new, I have seen this issue in CM11 and CM12 on OnePlus One. When you have only one app open >> tap on the recent button >> you will notice the app is splitting while going to recent apps view… I can’t believe OnePlus is still carrying Cyanogenmod’s bugs. (Watch the video to see the demo).
3. Facebook Apps Isn’t Working:- As I remember, OnePlus said in its OxygenOs 2.1.0 changelog
“Fixed some issues that were causing problems with popular 3rd party apps.”
I don’t know what you really meant with this statement because facebook application is crashing very badly no matter how many times I try, it will crash before opening anything. Whereas I’m able to open notifications on facebook app but not able to view timeline/home page (See the video for proof).
4. Fingerprint Sensor Issue:- OnePlus might be very proud for introducing fingerprint sensor, even I was enjoying this practically important feature but not anymore, thanks to OxygenOS 2.1.0 update. I should say the sensor is still working fast but sometimes, in fact, many times after pressing fingerprint sensor, the device vibrates and nothing else happens, it remains locked.
5. Hardware Button Issues:- Hardware button acts bit lazy sometime and I need to tap it twice or thrice especially the right button which I’m using as a back button.
6. Audio tuner stopped working.
7. Camera Bug:- There are many people who mentioned this issue on OnePlus forum. There is an issue with camera flash, phone freezing if you click the image with flash.
There are many other issues like the time taken by apps to open is long and has a delayed response, and I don’t know whether the issue is with touch response or the apps itself are responding slow but it’s very frustrating especially from OnePlus. I had OnePlus One and after that, I become the big fan of OnePlus, so it hurts because we have very high expectations from OnePlus.
Overall Conclusion: OnePlus has really amazing hardware and design but the device is lacking in OS which is the most important part of cellphone manufacturers. The best example is iPhone and its performance is better than any flagship mobile devices even with its minimal hardware, as compared to other flagships.
It’s only because iPhone’s Operating System works. There is no use of 4GB DDR4 RAM if it’s not able to open facebook and if its taking 2-3 second to open the settings page. OnePlus One has been very successful because it has CyanogenMod OS and I hope we will also get CyanogenMod for OnePlus 2.
I think OnePlus should work hard on OxygenOS and even harder on QA/Testing before these issues start killing their business. Seeding bug-free update is more important than seeding update sooner so take your time before seeding any update so that users will not face any lag in performance.
In the video you will see once the screen was totally dead I was taping everywhere to open the recent app or just close but it was not responding. Really..!! can we call this device “flagship killer 2016”
I thought and even OnePlus customer care suggest that these issues might be appearing because of system cache, so I also tried wiping cache, factory reset and wipe data and cache from recovery mode nothing works.
I’m sharing a video which I have recorded using screen recorder just to show you guys what is exactly happening with my device. I’m also attaching two screenshots of Google Play Music(see the background) which I forget to record while screen recording.